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Reclaiming your heart, Part One: A pornified society

Writer's picture: Banes S. LalBanes S. Lal

Banes S. Lal

Children can't imagine life before the Internet. Students from elementary through university find it impossible to imagine life before smartphones. Our culture and media are rife with overtly sexual imagery in subtle and complex ways.

The term "pornographic" refers to visuals that demean the dignity of both men and women and are designed to arouse sexual desires at odds with a Christ-centered lifestyle. The limits of our pornified society are being pushed farther every day, often desensitizing individuals to its long-term effects. You are not alone if this regular barrage of negative visuals has affected your thoughts and actions.

My intention in this four-part series is to shed light on a sensitive topic, a subject that is kept in the dark. By God's grace, I want to encourage you to reject pornography. I want to inspire those who regularly watch porn but aren't putting an end to their lust. If that applies to you, this article is symbolic of giving you a well-deserved wake-up call!

Is it true that Christians are immune to pornography? Obviously not. In truth, Christians have some serious concerns that must be addressed because the consequences could harm one's testimony and relationships with others. What can we do to fight this more honestly? Bringing these secrets out of the shadows is the first step toward breaking free.

Most of us are aware of the harm that porn may cause, but we are not fully aware of its scope. Pornography, it should be said, destroys love. It is not in any way innocent; it ruins lives and breaks apart couples. We also know that it alters brain chemistry like a drug and can have long-term consequences on a person's physical capacity for healthy sexual relationships.

Pornography misinforms its viewers about sex, objectifies people, confuses romantic relationships, promotes poor body image in women and men, and escalates sexual violence. Internet pornography is involved in more than a quarter of divorce cases. Porn affects the same brain circuitry as addictive substances such as cocaine and amphetamines. It promotes risk-taking and impulsive behaviour, serves as a problematic stress reliever, promotes dependence on an uncanny stimulus, and promotes the dehumanization of others.

Pornography poses theological and spiritual risks in addition to social, psychological, plus physical ones, as many people involved in porn come from dysfunctional families or violent relationships. The actors frequently battle substance abuse, and the visible in pornography obscures shattered lives and actual wrongs committed against people. Most women who produce and participate in pornography have experienced sexual abuse. I would then suggest that people are using the suffering of others to satisfy their urges. Christians who watch porn are voyeurs of other people's weakness, lust, and becoming enslaved to their desires. On the other hand, those who are moulded by pornography grow more and more spiritually blind.

Porn is a sweet poison. Why would you try to satisfy your physical hunger with sugar-coated poison pills when you could feed on exceptional food? And why would you try to fulfill your desire to be happy with the poison pill of pornography when you can enjoy God himself?

Proverbs 6:32 states: "Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own soul." Pornography may temporarily fulfill your sinful cravings but will never make you happy in the long run. It robs you of your joy. But the satisfaction of God is lasting and endlessly rewarding. To combat lust, feed your faith with the invaluable promise that the pure in heart shall see the all-satisfying God of glory face to face. The very purpose of the human soul is to recognize and appreciate Christ's majesty.

I feel that one of the primary reasons society and perhaps church members are engulfed in pornography is that lives are intellectually and emotionally detached from the soul-stirring grandeur for which we were created. It is then unavoidable that the human heart, designed to be amazed by Christ's supremacy, is drowning in a sea of predictable amusement and will seek the best natural thrill that this life has to offer: SEX.


Banes S. Lal
Banes S. Lal

Thank you for commenting. I greatly appreciate your feedback. May the Lord bless you and strength you daily as you lean upon Him!



I found your site because of a video you posted recently that only has a handful of views. Thank you for writing this article. I look forward to reading the rest of the series and feel confident that these articles will inspire me to take actions to improve my relationship with Christ.

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