Here, you can discover a world of spiritual enlightenment and immerse yourself in a journey of faith. Dedicated to nurturing your spiritual growth and fostering a deeper connection with God.
From Pride to Grace: Transforming Christian Interactions
The struggle against pride is not confined to the pages of Scripture—it's a battle waged within the hearts of believers. We confront the temptation to elevate ourselves above others, whether through moral superiority or overconfidence in our understanding of scripture.
Whispered Poison
We've all felt the pain of gossip and betrayal, and likely, we've also spread rumors, leading to guilt and remorse. The Bible condemns gossip unequivocally, emphasizing its harm to relationships. Let's reflect on our motives and the impact of our actions as we discuss this topic.
Navigating the decline through this inconvenient truth
Blaming societal shifts and cultural changes for declining church growth is understandable as they influence people's attitudes toward the gospel. However, solely blaming external factors like entertainment ignores internal dynamics within the church.
Walking with Joy
The Christian journey is often portrayed as a pilgrimage marked by overwhelming joy and gratitude for the salvation offered through Jesus Christ. Despite this, believers sometimes struggle to maintain and express this joy authentically or manifest this as parents.
Self-Love: Loving yourself the right way
Self-love is a topic often discussed among Christian circles, and for a good reason. We, believers, are called to love others and ourselves as Christ loved us. However, it's essential to recognize that there can be a dark side to self-love.
When Politics Divert Christians from Christ's Teachings
Christianity has always occupied a profound and central position, its foundation intricately woven with the divine word of God and the deep-rooted teachings of Jesus Christ. At the heart of this faith lies a set of principles that exalt love, compassion, humility, forgiveness, redemption, and unwavering faith – principles that epitomize the very essence of our faith
A Warning Against Misaligned Values: Introspective Evaluation
As we start to navigate through the news frenzy of the upcoming US election and a horrific war which continues into 2024, the pitfalls of embracing a politicized version of Christianity have become increasingly apparent, revealing a potential "hidden challenge" within the Church.
The Case for the Stewardship of God's Creation
In a world increasingly marred by the ominous echoes of biblical proportions – violent storms, epic floods, plagues, and the spectre of resource scarcity – climate change emerges as a global challenge that transcends political and geographical boundaries. Yet, it remains entangled in the web of divisive discourse, particularly within the Christian community.
Fathers, Where are You?
Part 1
Not so long ago, I attended our Easter Conference. But as I sat with my family, we noticed quite a few young families with young children and babies were either hungry, uncomfortable or just trying to vie for attention. However, I also noticed a handful of young fathers who barely lifted their fingers to help their wives, some of whom were very much pregnant with their next child.
Fathers, where are you?Part 2
Shared Parenting
The Importance of Shared Parenting. Parenting is a team effort that requires the participation of both parents. As Christian men, it is essential to understand that raising children is not solely the mother's responsibility. Sharing parenting responsibilities equally with your wife is not only biblical but beneficial for your family's well-being.
Reclaiming your heart, Part One: A pornified society
My intention in this four-part series is to shed light on a sensitive topic, a subject that is kept in the dark. By God's grace, I want to encourage you to reject pornography. The term "pornographic" refers to visuals that demean the dignity of both men and women and are designed to arouse sexual desires at odds with a Christ-centered lifestyle. The limits of our pornified society are being pushed farther every day, often desensitizing individuals to its long-term effects
Reclaiming your heart, Part Two: Walk in the spirit
We are well aware that porn can be both addictive and dangerous. It dehumanizes people and encourages sexual exploitation. Porn also deprives us of joy and isolates us. The truth is that there is hope, but you must be intentional about it and prepared to take the necessary measures to get there. So keep listening if you're fed up with the never-ending cycle of temptation, sin, and shame.
Reclaiming your heart, Part Three: A sacred Space
I'm curious how we might begin to honour sexual pleasure as something that can connect us more profoundly to ourselves, others, and God. And while simultaneously speaking the truth about how our sex-related actions can also do the reverse. Perhaps we should begin by recalling what Paul said in 1 Corinthians
Reclaiming your heart, Part Four: Renewal
Is God or something else at the centre of your moral compass?
As I mentioned in Part 1, pornography addiction can alter brain chemistry like a drug. It can have long-term consequences on a person's physical capacity for healthy sexual relationships. This indulgence rewires your brain destructively, thus warps your affections. As a result, engaging in pornography damages your conscience. Your conscience is your awareness of what you consider "right" and "wrong."