Archived Verse Of the Week
August 22nd, 2022
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. And not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
- BsL
The term "reconcile" literally means "bring into a changed relationship." It refers to bringing together two parties who should have been together from the beginning. But the human race is described in the Bible as God's enemies. You may claim that you are not an "enemy" of God, yet scripture says that we are either passive or active adversaries of God.
The breadth of God's grace is astounding. He is not a reluctant forgiver who withholds grace. God longs to clear the slate of sin and fully restore his lost children. Everything the Father does in the Parable of the Prodigal Son from the moment he sees his son return is a clear illustration of forgiveness and complete restoration.
If you recall, the Father cuts off his wayward son's speech by shouting, "Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet." All these things indicate that the family has been completely restored. The boy will never be a slave, servant, or hired labourer. He will live with the Father as his son, with all of the benefits of being a family member. The son is welcomed back into the family as an utterly restored son, not as a servant or paid labour.
Despite sin making us weak and powerless to save ourselves, we are reminded that Christ died on account of the ungodly. Through time and into eternity, He has justified and acquitted those who believe in Him for salvation. We are fully restored as God's children when we accept Christ as our Saviour. Jesus was crucified with open arms because the Father's arms are wide open, waiting for us to come home.
Christ's blood spilled on the Cross of Calvary delivered us from God's wrath and fury, which was poured out on Him in our place. We were not saved from our deserved penalty for sin because of our virtue; Christ died for us when we were wallowing in sinful rebellion—having received the free gift of everlasting life via grace through faith in Him and made righteous through the blood of His only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ is our mediator in the presence of God. Jesus, the mediator, fulfils all we fell short of in the previous covenant with God. He is more than just a negotiator on our behalf. He is the fulfilment of the laws that we are unable to uphold. All the sins we have committed and will commit are atoned for by Him. The embodiment of the new covenant of grace and the guarantee of promises being kept when He returns are present in Him as He sits at the right hand of God. Right now, as both ruler and judge.
This verse also encourages us to rejoice because we can experience this marvellous relationship with our heavenly Father right here on earth. Right now, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives. This is an intimate and beautiful relationship, not a remote one. We are blessed with this intimacy because Christ's finished work removed every barrier that stood between God and us, restoring our relationship so that we could be God's friend. We did nothing to earn this; we only have it because of what Christ did. Consider it: friends of the Almighty!
Even if nothing else is going well today, we still have plenty of reasons to rejoice!