Archived Verse Of the Week
Jan. 23rd, 2023
Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works

- BsL
Some people hold this arrogant belief that they should be able to raise themselves and become mini-gods in pride-filled hearts and blinded eyes. There are some who choose to worship other created life forms instead of the true and living God because they believe they are more deserving of their mindless worship.
However, the Lord our God is One, for He is pre-eminent. He alone deserves heartfelt adoration, praise, honour, and glory because He is singular in personality, integrity, graciousness, unmatched perfection, and eternal power. He alone is worthy and to Him belongs all the kingdom, the power, the wisdom, and the glory, both now and forever!
David wrote this psalm after making his supplication to the Lord for mercy and grace. He accepted God's sovereignty over the nations and spoke of a day when the nations would come to know that God is the Lord. When every eye gazes upon Him, every tongue will proclaim Him as Lord, and every knee will bow before Him and honour His holy name.
Psalm 86 contains a petition of a man with the right perspective. David recognizes his insufficiency and his desperate need for God. In his anguish, he cried out to the Lord for deliverance. He is confident that, despite his grave circumstances, his God is far more powerful and longs to show mercy to those He loves.
He acknowledges his complete reliance on his Creator and that God would respond to His servant's appeal solely by His grace and not because of any deeds of righteousness on David's part.
David earnestly reminds us in Psalm 145:8, "The Lord is gracious and full of compassion" He was sincere when he said He was "Slow to anger and great in mercy."
But the fool declares in his heart that there is no God, choosing instead to worship idols made up by human imagination. The fool distinguishes himself by offering homage to earthly kings, celestial beings, and numerous other equally fictitious creatures. Nevertheless, David shows his trust in the Lord in this psalm since he has come to know Him to be good and gracious.
This hymn of worship and thanksgiving reveals his faith in God and his recognition that God is the Lord, whether in prayer, praise, or petition. Because "there is none like You, O Lord; Nor are there any works like Your works.," he places all of his hope in Him alone.
The Lord, our God, is All-Powerful. He is matchless in wisdom and eternal in grace, and the fullness of His magnificent works multiplied in majesty throughout His created cosmos. Let us unite in songs of praise to hold Him up and declare Him to be God of gods and Lord of lords.
Never before has God's people needed to be more resolved to serve the Lord with an undivided heart and revere his name than now. The only way to address the upheaval in society, our churches, and our homes is to acknowledge Jesus as our sole Lord and have an unwavering heart of loyalty to the Father.
Let us join our hearts and voices with those who have come before us and be ready to confess, O Lord our God, there is no god like You. Who else is like You—majestic in holiness and capable of doing miracles? No one is able to complete Your works because only You are deserving of ALL our praise.
The Lord Jesus stated that he came to earth to do God's will. He prayed for God's will to be done on earth as in heaven. This can only happen if we commit our lives to him and follow his word. This brings honour to his name and leads others to Him.
When life gets tough, our spiritual growth and adoration of God may be the last things on our minds, but they should be front and centre. We should love and trust God so much that we want Him to hold us near and teach us even while we are struggling.
Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore. For great is Your mercy toward me, And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol (grave). Psalm 86:11-13