Archived Verse Of the Week
Dec. 05th, 2022
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

- BsL
The first thing we need to study in the school of wisdom is "the fear of the LORD." The essential verse in the Book of Proverbs is Proverbs 1:7, which states that understanding begins with establishing a proper view of God. Fear of the Lord does not imply fear of Him but rather a reverence for Him. Suppose we want to gain both wisdom and knowledge. In that scenario, we must begin by elevating God to the utmost level of reverence in our hearts and minds. We are to be humbled and astounded by His presence. When we come to fear the Lord, we realize that we are his creation: He is the Creator, our Master, Father, and we are His children.
The wise man cultivates a teachable spirit and is eager, ready, furthermore willing to learn. We should base our lives on reverence for the Lord and awe at His holiness. The beginning of understanding, the basis of knowledge, and the entrance to truth are all found in fear of the Lord. It is the secret to gaining spiritual insight and the only requirement for receiving godly instruction in righteousness.
Today, it seems like fewer and fewer individuals are prepared to approach their quest for truth and understanding from a place of reverence for God. Moses informed the people, "Do not fear; for God has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin," Exodus 20:20. Without a doubt, we must first surrender our lives to God to comprehend what it means to fear the Lord. The Bible calls people fools who won't initially turn to God. That doesn't imply that they are intellectually inferior, as many intelligent individuals throughout history have resisted turning to God. But it does indicate that they will never experience redemption and salvation, either in this life or the next. "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" Mark 8:36.
For the believer, having a fear of the Lord stems from having a humble heart of worship, respect, and gratitude for all God is and all He has accomplished for each of His children. Sin, judgement and His righteousness should make the unsaved person fear the Lord. But "the fool has said in his heart, there is no God." The fool despises godly knowledge and scorns instruction in righteousness.
We are currently inundated with knowledge and instruction from every sphere of humanity and worldly wisdom. We risk becoming wise in our understanding unless our knowledge is grounded in Lord and our wisdom is established from on high.
It is essential to put our confidence in the LORD with all our heart, acknowledge Him in all our ways, and not rely on our own understanding, for doing so indicates a conceited respect for oneself rather than a reverent fear of the Lord. Our faith is built on Jesus as its cornerstone. Only He alone deserves our awe, reverence, and unwavering love. We are placed in Him, where all the riches of wisdom and knowledge are stored.
This proverb is paramount since all the proceeding proverbs are useless without fearing the LORD. Fear of God is the fundamental building block of learning. Yet, fools reject wisdom and understanding because they are arrogant and self-centred without regard for God. Fools prefer to promote their ideas over seeking the truth, but the believer begins with God's words.
The fool is unable to support his claims. He refers to concepts like evolution as science, even though he has never seen "evolution" in action or replicated it in a lab. The fool lacks the crucial component of faith. At the same time, the believer is aware that the Bible is unquestionably true in every sense, from the first book to the last.
Take faith seriously. The fool believes and trusts in himself as well as his fellow fools. More faith is required to believe that monkeys and chaotic gases created man than it is to believe that an intelligent Creator created him. The fool deceives himself by believing lies. The believer has confidence in God and His word (Heb 11:1-6). (Pr 15:33). Men who are not grateful to Him for what they are have been blinded by God (Read Rom 1:20-23).
The Bible holds all the answers, from the creation of the universe to how to raise our children, from the cause of death to its solution, from the ideal guidelines for marriage to the punishment for sin. Fearing God entails having faith in and trusting in His written word, which provides knowledge and solutions to life's challenges.
From where does wisdom stem from? The only place in the cosmos where wisdom can be found is in fear of God.