Archived Verse Of the Week
April 11th, 2022
Matthew 9:12-13
When Jesus heard that (the Pharisees' criticism], He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy and not sacrifice.' For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.
- BsL
When Jesus ate with the tax collectors, he caused a considerable uproar throughout the city. Many were men who abused their power over their fellow citizens by overcharging them and lining their own pockets with the difference. The Pharisees asserted that if Jesus were indeed the Messiah, he wouldn't seek out these despicable men but would eat with the righteous instead. When the Pharisees confronted Jesus about this, he silenced them when He said, like a physician who comes to heal the sick and not the healthy, He had come to call sinners to repentance, not those who were already righteous.
After Jesus made His first statement, He said something truly shocking. He said to the Pharisees, of all people, that they needed to go and learn what He meant when He said, "I desire mercy and not sacrifice." He referenced at least two Old Testament scriptures: Hosea 6:6 and I Samuel 15:22. From these two passages, it is clear what He meant: I'd rather see acts of mercy (faithfulness) from you than flamboyant sacrifices. The Lord rejects offerings and oblations that simply follow a predetermined pattern. He wants His people to serve Him out of love, devotion, and obedience. Empty words, shallow worship, frigid feelings, superficial service, or legalistic rituals are of no interest to the Lord. He desires truth in the inward parts and a heart obedient to His Word. He yearns for sincere, faithful, and merciful people who want to do His will in their lives.
Suppose your religion makes you feel and look exalted and self-righteous. Would you consider yourself to be defiled by associating with sinners? In that case, your sacrifices are just noise and meaningless. To obey is better than to sacrifice.
We are to be merciful to people who are in need of healing, who are lonely, and who may even be shunned by their peers. We have good medicine in the form of the gospel, which cures hearts, transforms lives, and reconciles sinners to a merciful Savior.
Jesus never said anything frivolous or meaningless. There is such wealth to be mined from His every word.