Archived Verse Of the Week
July 11th, 2022
"Do not be afraid; only believe"
- BsL
Have you ever prayed to God for guidance while continuing on the path, hoping that everything would turn out well? Still, it didn't go as planned or expected? That is the story of a desperate father named Jairus, a synagogue leader whose young daughter lay dying at home.
When Jairus met the Lord, he knelt before Him and begged for his daughter's life. In response, Jesus went with him (8:42). What a relief this must have been for this hurting father. But as Jesus made his way to Jairus' house, a woman experiencing constant bleeding stopped him. Because she had no one to look after her, the Jewish community shunned her due to her illness. This woman probably seemed like an unwanted interruption to Jairus. After all, she'd been sick for twelve years! When his daughter's life was in danger, what difference would one more day make?
However, Jesus was unable to ignore this hurting woman. He took the time to attend to her physical and spiritual needs because he recognized her vulnerability. While this happened, Jairus learned that his daughter had died; Jesus reads the thoughts scrolling across the ticker tape on Jairus' forehead. He feels the rupture of Jairus' heart breaking and understands the frustration of being detained. Jesus meets Jairus where he exactly is: the very point of desperation turning to surrender and grief when Jairus receives word that his daughter has died. Then, He says, "only believe." Believe, and his daughter will live. Miracles can only happen through the power of belief.
As Jesus cleared out the people who laughed, scoffed, and doubted. He was then led to Jairus' daughter's bed, took the hand of the daughter of Jairus lying cold and lifeless where He spoke renewed life into her!
What can we do when our faith is shaken? When we believe we have lost our chance, we panic, enter a state of mourning or sulk in resentment? That is, after all, our initial response. It's not always necessary, though. We must reaffirm our shaky faith in the Lord and continue walking when we're faced with suffering, adversity, or uncertainty. Jairus' faith was shaken when his servants informed him that his daughter had died. He felt his attempt to get help had failed. But Jesus encouraged him after observing his faltering faith. So this grief-stricken father continued to set one foot in front of the other and just kept walking with Jesus.
In the end, Jesus wasn't late—he brought the dead girl back to life. In fact, the Lord is always right on time to meet our needs, even when he doesn't work in the way we expect. His presence strengthens our faith, and his love overwhelms our hearts—just as He did for a desperate father so many centuries ago.
Clear out the doubts and the doubters. Thank the Father for all He has done and will do, then wait on the Lord. Will you get the miracle you seek? Only God has the answer to this question. His ways are not our ways, and He is not a genie in a bottle granting us our three wishes just as we demand.
These individuals: Jairus' daughter, Lazarus, the widow's son, were instruments in the hands of God to introduce the world to Jesus, His ministry, His power, and His life-giving redemption. All Jesus asked of the others was to BELIEVE. Jairus believed. Mary and Martha believed. The widow believed. In the face of no hope, they believed in the only One who could offer hope.
As I write this, many are hurting, facing death, and praying for healing or preparing to bury those they love. Jesus still says to our broken hearts, Believe. Believe not just that He can but that He will. As long as we breathe and even after the last breath is taken, He is our HOPE! For this, we who are in Christ can be sure: we will ALL RISE!