Archived Verse Of the Week
Oct. 03rd, 2022
Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousness upon you.
- BsL
The apostle Paul reminds us that "we reap what we sow, either to evil or to good," which is one of the many lessons on reaping and sowing in the Bible. And, like Paul, the prophet Hosea realized the more profound truth contained within these simple words: that only God can develop the fruit of righteousness in man and that only because of His loving-kindness and tender mercy is the trusting heart able to partake of any righteousness.
The Lord Jesus stated that "without Me, you can do nothing," the fruit of the Spirit that develops in the life of a believer is a manifestation of God's kindness and grace. However, a Christian who has grown cold and careless toward God or who questions the truthfulness of His Word must "tear up the fallow (hard and dry) field." He must return to God's Word of truth and pull out weeds of bitterness, legalism, unforgiveness, unbelief, apathy, or distrust in order for the seeds of righteousness sown in our hearts to take root and develop in grace to the glory of our compassionate God.
The prophet Hosea was addressing these solemn words to Israel, a people that had both rebelled against the Lord as a whole and as individuals. They had abandoned the God of their fathers, committed spiritual adultery, wandered far from Him, and grown distant from the One who had chosen them to be His own unique people.
Hosea was urging the rebellious people of Israel to repent of their sins, rediscover their original love, and fervently seek the Lord if they were to avoid the impending judgment that so many holy men of God had foretold. Hosea declared, "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow (hard and dry) ground: for it is time to seek the Lord." God's people were to rend their hearts in sincerity and truth rather than to tear their clothes in an outward display of counterfeit remorse and other hypocritical behaviour.
If God's imminent judgment was to be avoided, the people of God had to rend their hearts rather than their clothing. They were to sow in the Spirit of righteousness and reap mercy and loving-kindness. The people of Israel were to live in a way that was pleasing to the Lord. They were to experience a change of heart rather than simply express regret.
The uncultivated ground in their stony and disobedient hearts needed to be broken up. They were advised to "break up your fallow ground." Israel had followed her own path for far too long. The moment had arrived for them to seek the Lord fervently. They were instructed to continue seeking His favour and to pursue Him. They were instructed to look for Him until He heard and responded to them until He arrived to instruct them in righteousness.
The body of Christ is under just as much pressure today in this apostate Church era to break up the fallow (hard and dry) ground and turn over the unploughed earth. Many Christians today have significantly deviated from the glorious message of grace. They are announcing an alternative gospel and focusing on an alternative Jesus.
Many people are looking for other gods. Many are following a different gospel: One that is focused on works or is "Cross-less," One that is seeker-friendly or is legalistic, one that is social, one that emphasizes prosperity, one that is self-centred, and one that is devoid of truth. Many are pursuing a Christless gospel that has deviated dramatically from the fundamental teaching that the apostles of the New Testament originally preached to the faithful.
May we heed Hosea's grave warning and sow righteousness to ourselves. May we look inward to break up the fallow (hard and dry) ground in our own lives. It is time to seek the Lord; may we sow for righteousness in order to reap according to His compassion and grace.
Let's purge our hearts of any resentment, unforgiveness, legalism, and doubt. May we be led by the Spirit so that we do not act on our fleshly impulses or grow hardened of heart. Also, keep in mind that now is the approved time to break up the fallow ground (hard and dry) and seek the Lord - tomorrow may be too late.