Archived Verse Of the Week
Oct. 23rd, 2022
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

- BsL
We were saved by God's grace. We had nothing to do with our salvation. It is all about what Christ has done on our behalf. As a result, our hearts should do what pleases God and live godly lives in Jesus.
However, not all Christians pursue the spiritual lifestyle. Some Christians live a carnal lifestyle that reflects the ways of the world. This dishonours the Lord and prevents people from having a wonderful fellowship with the Father, which is another privilege we have in Christ.
The manifestation of the new life we received by faith in Christ is clearly set out in God's Word. In a loving spirit, we are to regard the needs of others. We must resist temptation and walk in the spirit and the truth. We are to bear one another's burdens to fulfill Christ's law; we are to review our own lives to determine if we are honouring the Lord Jesus, who died in order for us to live.
Some people fool themselves into believing that God is unaware of their carnal desires or sinful fantasies that they carry out in the shadows of their minds. According to Paul, God is not mocked by our wicked ways and hidden misdeeds. There is no sin done that is not the result of deception. Satan tricked Eve into committing the world's first sin (Gen 3:1). We let Satan fool us. Then we deceive ourselves with a slew of lies in order to doubt God's goodness and promises to sin in any way that necessitates a degree of unbelief. To disbelieve God, who can be known by everything he has created (Romans 1:19-20), is to be deceived.
All day and night, God the Father is mocked, or rather, people strive to mock him. They, however, delude themselves. The sinner tries to insult Him by acting as if He doesn't exist or that God will not return to judge this world. But God will not be mocked, and no loose ends will exist.
No one may be mocked unless the one being mocked agrees to be mocked. During Christ's mock trial, religious leaders attempted to mock Him. They laughed him to scorn (Isa 37:22). They spit on him and hit Him. But Christ did not succumb to it. His spirit had not been broken. It made no impact on him since he could not be mocked.
Furthermore, God established the principle of sowing and reaping, according to which each of us reaps what we have sown in our lives. Whatever we choose to sow in our lives, good or evil, will eventually bear fruit.
We reap the consequences of neglecting our responsibilities as God's children and failing to carry out His will in our lives. On the other hand, those who plant the seeds of righteousness will reap a just reward. Sow to the spirit and enjoy the benefits. The destruction of an unbeliever is the result of sowing to the flesh.
Those who sow sparingly will obtain a meagre harvest. On the other hand, those who sow abundantly will reap abundantly - some thirtyfold, sixtyfold, and even a hundredfold. This particular scripture specifically addresses individuals who are saved by grace through trusting in Christ, even though this is a divine truth that holds true in the lives of sinners and saints alike.
We would do well to follow Paul's advice on godly living. May we learn the lesson of sowing and reaping in our lives, and may we do everything for the glory of God, for God is not mocked by His children who choose to reject or neglect His will. The Lord will not allow His name to be despised or trivialized by people who disregard His Word and will or disregard His precepts and principles.