Archived Verse Of the Week
Nov. 14th, 2022
In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul.
- BsL
Psalm 138, written by David, is one of the most encouraging psalms. It is a magnificent song of praise to the Lord and a very practical Psalm for us to consider. The Psalmist begins with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, then speaks of the Lord's work among the nations, and finally, of the Lord's purpose for his life. Every aspect of this Psalm applies to our Christian walk today.
"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul," says Verse 3; it is a verse to memorize and meditate on every day. God has exalted His name and word above all else - in a world of uncertainty and betrayal, God is our secure haven. His word is both true and eternal! It's no surprise that the Psalmist declares, "Before the gods, I sing your praise." At a time when many people worshipped foreign gods, the Psalmist declares his faith in the God above all gods, not a man-made god, but a God who responds to our prayers.
In the day when I cried, You answered me. What does the Psalmist mean by "day"? This could be any day and at any time. The implication is that we can call out to God at any time, and He will hear and respond without delay. God is always ready and willing to come to our aid in times of trouble and pain.
Remember when Peter sank into the water, and Jesus immediately grabbed his hand? In an instant, Peter turned away from Jesus and looked at the crashing waves, which caused him to doubt and fear. He took his gaze away from the one who could empower him.
Do you find yourself repeating yourself? When there is trouble or you're going through something uncomfortable, do you try to escape painful or frightening situations by means other than God? We might reach for the remote or head to the kitchen to numb our pain. Some of us exercise or shop until we feel better. There are over a thousand different ways to avoid or escape the situation. However, these are only band-aid solutions. They are not built to last. God's comfort is available and intended to last indefinitely.
We can be confident that God is always close by and that He longs for us to come to Him for anything and everything. He is making a promise to us that only He can fulfill and complete. Only God can reach the deepest part of us that is afraid or suffering and minister to a damaged and weak soul in ways no one else can. He gives us the courage and strength to do what He has called us to do.
This verse reveals at least four facts to me:
God is always present; all I have to do is seek Him.
God responds to prayers. It may not always be how we expect Him to respond or how we believe He should respond, but God hears and answers our prayers.
God makes me bold. We are all familiar with Proverbs 28:1, which states that "the righteous are bold as a lion." Christ gives true boldness.
God gives my soul strength. God is more than capable of getting me through any situation. I'm reminded of another encouraging Psalm, Psalm 27:14, which contains an incredible promise: "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!."
God will give you the strength you need to face whatever challenges you face this week. It's important to note that it doesn't specifically state that He will solve the issue in front of you, only that He will give you the power to overcome it.
A sure way to feel closer to God is to start thanking him, whether in a valley where things aren't going well or on a rooftop where everything is going well.
According to Psalm 100:4. "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name." Praise and thanksgiving bring us closer to God's presence. And when our focus is on His glory and goodness instead of on our problems, our heart is refreshed. There is always something to be grateful for. They may be harder to find on some days than others, but they are there. If there is absolutely nothing in your life, you can think of to be thankful for, be quiet and remember the cross. Jesus Christ died for you so that you could be with Him, and He could be with you.
In Psalm 138:3, King David expresses his gratitude to God for answering his prayer. David cried out, so it must have been a desperate prayer. Have you ever cried out in desperation to God? Has God ever responded to your prayers? It is crucial to remember and recognize His responses to our prayers.
When we do, our confidence in Him grows more substantial.
We strengthen our relationship with our Heavenly Father by establishing a dialogue—a personal conversation.
Therefore, praising God strengthens and secures us. When we take the time to focus on God's Word, it is incredibly gratifying. When we concentrate on His Words, we focus on God. And we become what we think about; Proverbs 23:7 states, "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. " When we concentrate on the negative, we become negative.
How can we put this into practice in our own lives? We can pray to the Lord because we know He is God and can answer our prayers and strengthen our souls. How can we go through life confidently, glorifying the Lord? Even though God is the highest of all gods, He still has regard for the lowly. We are indeed lowly when we come before Him on our knees, begging forgiveness for our sins. How can we live without being constantly afraid? God created us with a purpose in mind. He will take us home to live forever with Him once that goal has been accomplished.